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Inside each of you lies a divine spark, invite him to kindle your soul's fire on your journey home - Adama

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Who We Are

The Israel branch of Telos Lemuria is a non-profit organization and an affiliate of the global Telos organization founded by the late Aurelia Louise Jones. It is named after the city of Telos.
The city is known as a light city within the Fifth dimension, one of a network of inner light cities on the planet Earth and is located under Mount Shasta in the State of California; the city was founded by Lemurian survivors after the decline of the Lemurian continent.
The World Organization is following Aurelia’s path of disseminating Lemurian light through messages from the Masters, led by Adama, the high priest.
Among the organization’s other activities are: meditation sessions, classes and workshops, elevation ceremonies, the establishment of a vast, loving and supportive community comprised of ‘people of light,’ spiritual journeys around the world and a unique workshop on the summit of Mount Shasta.
The purpose of the organization is to inspire humanity spiritually. We strive to attain a world of unity, of peace, tranquility, harmony, unconditional love and beauty; a world in which there is parity among all races, nations and religions, a world in which we are all one large family. During this period, there are many planetary changes taking place, time is accelerated, gates are opened, enabling transcendence for those spiritually awakened people. A karma cleansing process is available to encourage reconnecting to a higher self. We must take responsibility for ourselves and the world around us and actively participate in creating a new world.

We act as a non-profit organization with a registered name for Telos Lemuria .

Non-affiliated entities are prohibited from using the association's trademark, including the use of a mark similar to the deception to the association itself.

For the registration certificate, click here  

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Future Events

  • Apr 20, 2025, 7:00 PM
    Telos to Moriah Israel, HaOren Street 18, Magshimim, Israel
    The desire to know our roots and our heritage is as old as ever. When we were tribal we lived by the sun, moon and stars, and we knew our roots. The Lemurians had a deep sense of connection with the stars - the Pleiades - and our heritage from there. After thousands of years and countless incarnations we are drawn again to this heritage.
  • Apr 25, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • May 01, 2025, 8:00 PM
    Telos to Moriah Israel, HaOren Street 18, Magshimim, Israel
    The emerald tablets were given in the ancient writings, to those who know how to engage in frequency theory. More and more human beings yearn to remember and know, and I invite you dear ones to the depths of the vessels. At this point in time this is where the 20th year comes before you, in the big bang of light which at the gate of 2020 will open, with the end of a cosmic cycle and the opening of a new one. And the knowledge of 1
  • May 04, 2025, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
    מגשימים, האורן 18, מגשימים, 56910, ישראל
    חוכמה עתיקה לזמנים מודרניים נשות למוריה האם ייתכן שהיה קיים מקום בשם למוריה? מה לגבי היבשת הנעלמת של מו? מהי למעשה המשמעות שללהיות למוריאנים עבורכם היום? נתחבר לזכרונות למוריה העתיקים דרך מדיטציה ושיחזור גלגולים נפתח את הזכרון לשפת האור הלמוראנית , ונפתח את צפני התודעה נלמד את חשיבות דנ״א הלמורא
  • May 09, 2025, 7:00 PM – 7:05 PM
    מגשימים, מגשימים, ישראל
    בואו להצטרף למסע קסום שבו תלמדו עיצד הידע העתיד של האלכימייה ישפיע על חייכם. נחקור את הקסם של הטרנספורמציה האישית והכוח המרפא של של הלהבה הסגולה , וניצור אלכימייה יש מאין .
  • Sep 25, 2025, 7:00 AM – Sep 27, 2025, 7:00 PM
    מצפה רמון, מצפה רמון, ישראל
    שערי האנושות החדשה , נפתחו ~2025. אנו נושמים את רב הממדיות וקסם הבריאה. אילו ימים של בריאת מציאות בחיינו ~ מסע הבריאה פותח שעריו -25026/9 ~מסע אל הר כרכום - אשר מהווה שער כניסה אל ארץ הבראשית , והענקת לאנושות החדשה. מצפה רמון - שער כניסה לפלנטה ארץ, ומרכז תקשורת גלקטי . בליווי המאסטרים ואבות אבותינו

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