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Telos Village opening 6/21/18

Ayelet segal


“Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in”

Beloved brothers and sisters, people of Telos Lemuria,

A moment before the Sabbath comes in, after s short rest, I can still feel the great light which we have breathed in our holiday on 21-Jun-2018, at our village – ‘Telos Village’.

After a night with no sleep I entered my car and drove south…my belly extremely excited, knowing the importance of that day…the opening of the spiritual ecological village in Israel!

I know the significance of the realization of the creation during the past 8 years…one step after another…slowly with the establishment of our beautiful community, while listening to my heart and the high priest Adama who guides me with upmost precision, from my corporeal home at Magshimim (in Hebrew ‘the realizers’) to my spiritual home at Sdei – Avraham (in Hebrew: ‘the fields of Abraham’).

8 years is a wonderful time to observe – to stop for a minute (not that I know how) and breathe.

Today I breathe – I breathe Telos, I breath this earth which carries this great light and the vast space to the upper worlds, the privilege to establish a center of light in Israel. I know that many will come to our village, will get healing, will expand their consciousness and will experience ascension.

And all this thanks to dear sisters and brothers that fulfill their mission in these days.

Despite the fear communicated in the media and the unstable status at the west Negev, all those 95 light messengers have arrived…with an open heart and a will to embark on the next step of their spiritual path, teachers and therapists, old souls that lead the spiritual community in Israel!

I want to thanks these Telos angels – those human friends that have been walking with us for years, and give from their heart in full volunteering. First of all, I thank my beloved partner to this sacred creation – Nurka.

I want to thanks the circle of our Telos Israel leaders – who are most devoted and take an active role and hold this pure and high vibration of the house: Merav, Ayelet Hashahar, Daphna, Tamir, Miri.G, Shlomit, Rivka, Michal, Rimona, Zohar.

I want to thank the circle of volunteers which is getting bigger and bigger – and all of you are invited to take part in this circle: Ahuva, Galit, Aliyah, Ana, Yulia, Yair, Yorami, Liat, Miri.E, Regina, Shomrat, Tmira, Shiri, Sarai, Zohar, Einav.

I would also like to thanks those supportive friends who always hear the call and take active part in all of the Telos Israel events and give from their open heart: Riki Hen Yehonatan, Tamar Ganisher, Rachili Ganon, Limor Shalom Eshel, Heftsiba that is now connected with us from Greece, Galia Ginsburg, Merav Gold, Judi Kela that joins us today in her heart, Shani from Stone-age, and many other friends that…gratitude to you all.

The journey to Telos passes through a way of total faith, a way in which a connection to the sacred heart is essential and a way in which we deal with lessons and gates and re-discover the light that is inside us.

Pure earth, which slowly achieves the realization of the gates to support the humans that walk the ascension path.

The shamanic circle –

The shamanic healing circle is vibrationally connected to the healing circle at the depth of Mount Shasta.

I received the call to build this circle from the high priest Adama, with the request to build it from basalt rocks.

The circle is accurate in its directions tuned to the earth air flow directions: North – South – East – West.

The circle represents the 4 elements of the planet: Earth – Air – Water – Fire.

It opens its gate to a deep healing and balancing and to a connection to the heart of Gaya, under our Telos Shamans leadership: Shomrat, Tmira, Shlomo, Liat, Nurka, Hana, Merav.

And as we march through the torches gate, with the sound of drum beating echoing in all of our bodies…releasing and cleansing, healing and uniting with the big spirit.

The three dimensional Merkaba –

I received this structure after my last journey to Shasta. Adama showed it to me exactly in the village trail…

What is a Merkaba?

The Merkaba creates a mutual relationship between the activity of our higher intelligence, the source of the divinity that is present in infinite universes, to the corporeal life system here on earth.

We know that the human is only one creation form in the time space.

With the activation of the Merkaba we first connect inside into ourselves, and balance all of our layers – connect to the light being that we are, and then with the union of our corporeal and divine parts we can embark on a journey beyond time and space to the gates of the parallel universes.

This Merkaba was built with 12 vertexes, each one holds a crystal. At the top vertex there is an Alpha crystal and at its bottom vertex there is an Omega crystal. This vehicle can accelerate the light vibration in our body twelve times!

The energy filed of the Merkaba and our electromagnetic field expands and connects to the consciousness of the universe.

The Merkaba was requested to be part of our spiritual village as it is today an open portal, with high mass of energy present, and it is intended to humans who are connected to their divine consciousness. It enables us to enter the zone of our light of life. It heals, balances and accelerates processes that are already present in our consciousness, but you should only enter this vehicle with a pure heart, pure thought and clean of ego!

And in the Merkaba we are present – activate our inner Merkaba’s, going higher and higher up to the light dimensions of the 12th dimension. And there Lord melchizedek awaits us with his message, and Sharoni Cohen channels the message, and the heart is opened – we connect to the heart of our creation, the “I am that I am’ that is embodied in our human body…and we further go up to the 13th dimension, berath the vibration of love, and heal, heal the planet, ourselves, the sickness of humanity.

In the light temple we sat, and around us 7 pictures of the 7 scared flames temples, which were drawns with precision from the heart of Yulia Lagos.

And the high priest Adama also looks at us form the picture, and brings messages to the friends.

At the center of the circle, where we buried crystals and rocks from our journeys at Israel and all over the world – Mitzpe Ramon – Jerusalem – Mount Carcom – Shasta – Hawaii – Sadona – Egypt – and the eternal flame that is connected to the center of the light city of Telos, is powerful and beating and it lights up the temple, with all of the friend that sit in a circle in a vibrational harmony, harmony of the heart, together carry prayers for peace. We can see the light that comes from our hearts and flows through the Gaza strip, washing the women, the children, the men, those who awake to a new consciousness, those with the ability to breathe a different light, in hope to see the conversation and cooperation between the Jewish and the Ismaelian.

We sing the Lemurian heart singing and the songs of peace, we embrace each other in a whole circle – the whole that is inside us, ready to carry on the light, as we are light workers, messengers of Lemuria!

Indeed these 2 days were very exciting, and the friends that attended shall surely share more…

Great gratitude to all those who have arrived. Great gratitude to all of those that attended from the high light dimensions. Great gratitude for what there is –Telos Village is open to all light workers with love in their hearts.

From our heart to yours – Have a peaceful and loving Sabbath.

Telos Lemuria – the home of the heart.



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